
ESUS is embarking on a big project, which requires huge financial capital to set up and operate. The decision was made based on the fact that there is no Pediatrics Care Center in Onuogba, Nike Enugu state today where such services are affordable for the less privileged. Due to the high cost of proper health care, the underprivileged often find themselves in the hands of fake and untrained Midwives and consequently endanger their lives and that of their children.


Our focus is on the completion of a bungalow situated at Onuogba Nike in Enugu State, Nigeria for pediatric and maternity care and in the long-term building of a two-storey facility specifically for pediatric care.

All donations flow directly into the supported projects. Administrative tasks are shared among the members of the association.  Costs arising from our monthly meetings, charity events and other costs such as website hosting etc are financed by ESUS members and with ESUS membership fees. The rest of the membership fees go towards the supported projects

Donate via Post Account below:

Account Details:
Post Account:
Enugu State Union of Switzerland
8000 Zurich
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 8523 5462 8
Account Number: 85-235462-8

Donate via TWINT:

Please scan the QR code below to donate. Afterwards send us an email at to let us know who it came from.


Thank you for your support.